Saturday 26 May 2012

A Thousand Fireflies…

                                            ...just another miracle.

It had been seven years. Seven long years since that sad day she had lost her friend. Seven long years of unending wait. Seven long years of solitude… and hope.  The last she had seen of him was as he turned away from her, leaving her rooted to the ground. She was a small girl then. The feelings that made way to her heart through his words and smiles meant nothing more than a friend’s promise. Somehow her innocent self had come to believe that it could last forever. That those moment could never end… but treacherous, meddling fate intervened at the turn of time and flung them away. Alone she stood at the threshold of their friendship, watching him walk away. Forever.

“Fireflies,” her uncle had told her once, “are the most wonderful creatures of all, my child. Like a thousand twinkling stars they light up the sky. They are much like God’s own fairy lights. Especially meant for li’l fairies like you!”
“But how come I never see them around!?” she had questioned with a pout on her face.
Her uncle had laughed merrily at her innocent question, “They live on the other bank of the river. They seldom cross over to our side. That is why I brought this small gift for you…” he took out his hand and placed the glowing firefly in her eager palm. Wide-eyed she stared at it, unable to say a word out of amazement.
“Whenever you’ll be sad, they’ll flock around, swirling round and round with the breeze, forming a canopy of light. That is the light of hope my child, learn to recognize it. Never give up. Believe. For miracles do happen. I wish I could keep you safe forever… but..”
She thought she saw a hint of teardrop form under his eyelid, but he turned away his head faster than she could notice anymore of it.

She didn’t know what her uncle wanted to tell her then, but the day she had watched her friend turn away from her, somehow, a flock of fireflies happened to pass that way. They flocked over her head swirling around in the breeze, making a canopy of light, a canopy of hope. Just like her uncle had said. That was the day she had decided she wouldn’t give up on him. No matter what. She would come here every evening and someday, just someday he would be waiting for her again. 

As time passes, it erodes away everything, exposing a new layer in its place. Buds give way to flowers, childhood to teen and friendship…? That is one tricky business.  In most cases it has been known to disappear completely leaving only faded memories behind. But if it doesn’t, it metamorphoses into something a lot more complex and painful, yet wondrous all the same--- love.
This evolution for her was gradual. As a result, she didn’t even realize when her innocent feelings had transpired into something much more beautiful but complicated. That too for a boy who never returned… Seven years she had waited for him, and it was beginning to tire her now.  It wasn’t her fault completely. Just another of nature’s fundamentals. Even the stormy sea is lulled at last in its rocky cradle. Even the forest fires sleeps in its own bed of ashes. She was but a human. A slave of her emotions and logic.

Today as she stood by the brook, doubt enveloped her thoughts. She wasn’t sure if she could take this any further. What good would this beget? What reason could be behind this folly? She had spent seven years of her life looking at an empty trail, waiting for him. Waiting for someone who never cared to turn around once! Why should she wait for him anymore?  Yet there was a part of her that believed in him. That hoped for another meeting. All she really needed was a reason to believe.

It had been quite some time since the fireflies had followed her that day. Out of the darkness they flew out once again in the evening twilight, twinkling away in utter bliss. First she couldn’t believe it. But then she remembered her uncle’s words. Whenever you’ll be sad, they’ll flock around, swirling round and round with the breeze, forming a canopy of light. That is the light of hope my child, learn to recognize it. Never give up. Believe. For miracles do happen.  She had never seen one of the species since that day, and now suddenly they had sought her out again. Could this be a sign?
 She didn’t know, but she wasn’t doubtful anymore. Perhaps, the luminescent light of the fireflies had washed away those dark spots. She spread out her arms and looking up at the sky, spun around with happiness. She knew that moment was special. She cried, like a child. Out of happiness. Or rather a mix of emotions. The lump in her throat was insoluble, and still gave a pleasant feeling.

She opened her eyes with a new zest in them. She knew she could hope again. And someday, someday he would show up. That was how things were supposed to be. That is how they will have to be. With a smile she looked up at the fireflies again as they disappeared just as they had arrived. Deep into the twist and turns of life.

Two years later he came. And the fireflies were there waiting for them. 

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